We would love to hear from you
We have made it even easier by offering the form below. If you are a parent/caregiver of a person with SMS, PRISMS would like to know the name and age of the SMS person. Someone will be back in touch with you as quickly as possible.
If you prefer to correspond with us by mail or phone, here is our mailing address and phone number:
205 Van Buren Street
Suite 120 #1027
Herndon, VA 20170
Phone: 972.231.0035
Donations can be mailed to:
c/o Wood & Huston Bank
PO Box 724
Cape Girardeau, MO 63702-0724
PRISMS Resources:
Behavior: https://www.prisms.org/ed
Medical Management Guidelines: https://www.prisms.org/about-sms/living-with-sms/medical-management-guidelines/
SMS Clinics page: https://www.prisms.org/about-sms/living-with-sms/sms-clinics/
Newly Diagnosed: https://www.prisms.org/education/publications-and-resources/
Education: https://www.prisms.org/education/publications-and-resources/
On the Road to Success with SMS: A Smith-Magenis Guidebook for Schools: https://www.prisms.org/education/publications-and-resources/
Constipation: https://www.prisms.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/respub/PCRC_Constipation_in_Individuals_with_SMS.pdf
Birt-Hogg Dubé and Smith-Magenis Syndromes: https://www.prisms.org/birt-hogg-dube-and-smith-magenis-syndromes-separate-disorders-linked-through-17p11-2/