NIH is working with PRISMS to develop syndrome specific growth curves for SMS. Data gathered to date on 68 children with SMS show the following growth patterns. Most infants with SMS are born at term and have normal birth parameters for length, weight and head circumference.
During the first year of life, Infants with SMS show a decline in weight & height from normal birth range to less than or equal to 5%tile;
By age 8-9 years, heights are within the normal range (approx 25%tile) and weights are higher for boys than girls;
Weight gain to levels suggesting obesity (>95%tile) is frequently noted after age 9 years with onset of puberty.
Additional growth data is needed to complete the project, especially for children from age 4 years into their teens and final adult height. Parents willing to provide growth measurements on their child with SMS (heights, weights and if available head circumference) are encouraged to down load the SMS Growth Curve form.
For more information contact:
Ann C.M. Smith, MA, DSc (Hon), Adjunct Principal Investigator
Office of Clinical Director, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH
Bldg 10, Room 10C103, 10 Center Drive, MSC 1851
Bethesda, MD 20892-1851
Phone: 301-435-5475
Email: acmsmith@mail.nih.gov