Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mentor for our PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program and/or a Peer Supporter for our PRISMS SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program. You are welcome to apply to one or both programs.
Apply to become a Mentor (PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program) and/or Peer Supporter (PRISMS SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program)

How do the programs work?
The PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program and PRISMS SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program are here to support teenage and adult siblings of individuals with SMS.
These are FREE peer-to-peer phone or video/virtual programs.
As a mentor and/or peer supporter, PRISMS will match you with a teen or adult sibling who is looking for some additional support. Once matched, you will contact the sibling to engage in one-on-one in person, phone, or virtual conversations and build a helpful sibling connection.
How is this program helpful?
Siblings of individuals with SMS have unique needs, and it can be difficult to connect with other siblings due to the rarity of this diagnosis. While group or other online supports are wonderful, many siblings prefer to connect directly with another sibling with shared experiences. The PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program and PRISMS SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program provide the one-on-one supports that siblings have requested in addition to other supports available through PRISMS.
These programs seek to connect siblings of individuals with SMS and allows siblings to:
- Share their personal experiences about SMS and benefit from others’ experiences and perspectives.
- Explore questions and challenges that are unique among siblings of individuals with SMS.
- Discuss ideas, goals, and needs in a private, comfortable environment.
- Brainstorm strategies to assist with sibling relationships, address caregiver needs, and implement self-care strategies.
How are the programs structured?
- Please click here to learn more about the PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program.
- Please click here to learn more about the PRISMS SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program.
What are the general qualifications to be a Mentor for the PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program?
- I am an adult (age 18 and up).
- I have a sibling with SMS.
- I can communicate in English.
- I have a phone or device with Internet access (e.g., laptop, tablet, computer).
- I am willing to complete virtual mentorship training (2 hours) and any follow-up trainings that may be required.
- I am willing to commit to meeting with a teenage sibling of an individual with SMS weekly for eight weeks via in person, virtual, or phone meetings. These sessions will be 30-60 minutes per week.
- I willing to provide feedback on the program when requested.
What are the general qualifications to be a Peer Supporter for the SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program?
- I am an adult (age 18 and up).
- I have a sibling with SMS.
- I can communicate in English.
- I have a phone or device with Internet access (e.g., laptop, tablet, computer).
- I am willing to complete virtual peer supporter training (1-2 hours) and any follow-up trainings that may be required.
- I am willing to provide feedback on the program when requested.

What are the general qualifications to be a Mentor for the PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program?
- I am an adult (age 18 and up).
- I have a sibling with SMS.
- I can communicate in English.
- I have a phone or device with Internet access (e.g., laptop, tablet, computer).
- I am willing to complete virtual mentorship training (2 hours) and any follow-up trainings that may be required.
- I am willing to commit to meeting with a teenage sibling of an individual with SMS weekly for eight weeks via in person, virtual, or phone meetings. These sessions will be 30-60 minutes per week.
- I willing to provide feedback on the program when requested.
What are the general qualifications to be a Peer Supporter for the SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program?
- I am an adult (age 18 and up).
- I have a sibling with SMS.
- I can communicate in English.
- I have a phone or device with Internet access (e.g., laptop, tablet, computer).
- I am willing to complete virtual peer supporter training (1-2 hours) and any follow-up trainings that may be required.
- I am willing to provide feedback on the program when requested.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need any prior training to be a mentor or peer supporter?
No prior experience or training is required. PRISMS will provide all necessary training and support materials. Ongoing support for mentors and peer supporters will also be available through PRISMS.
What is the time commitment?
- For the PRISMS SMS Teenage Sibling Mentorship Program:
- The teenage mentorship program is designed to run for eight weeks, with each meeting taking about 30-60 minutes. Once the eight weeks are completed, your teenage mentee and you can decide if you want to continue meeting.
- You will need to complete a 2-hour mentorship training prior to being matched with a teenage mentee. This training will be completed virtually.
- You may participate in the program as a mentor as many times as you like. We will only have you matched with one mentee at a time.
- For the PRISMS SMS Adult Sibling Connection Program:
- The number of times you meet/talk is completely up to you and the adult sibling who is seeking support. We anticipate this will look different for each person seeking support.
- You will need to complete a 1-2 hour peer supporter training prior to being matched with an adult sibling looking for support. This training will be completed virtually.
- You may participate in the program as a peer supporter as many times as you like. You can talk with our PRISMS team about how much time you want to commit to this role.
Do I pick who I will support or mentor?
We will review your application, have you complete our mentor and/or peer supporter training session(s) (1-2 hours, completed virtually), and match you to with a sibling who is seeking support.
Can I earn volunteer hours?
Yes, you are welcome to count your time as a mentor or peer supporter as volunteer hours. You are responsible for logging your hours and submitting any paperwork; our PRISMS team is then happy confirm hours and sign any documentation.