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By: Michelle Larscheid, Program Coordinator

Someone once said, “Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look.” Children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome surprise us with their incredible abilities, talents, and personalities every day.

This year at the PRISMS 2022 Conference, we don’t want to just envision what is possible, we want to see what is possible! What has your SMS child done that has amazed you?

PRISMS #SMSPossibilities Campaign is a positive awareness campaign meant to give a voice to our loved ones with SMS and provides an opportunity for people to envision what is possible! Send us your videos showing and telling us what your child did that you once thought impossible. The videos will be compiled and shown at the conference.

We must never lose hope as there are always possibilities if you look for them in the impossible.

How It Works:

It’s simple. We invite you to share a short video with us showcasing your loved ones with Smith-Magenis syndrome engaging in an activity you might not have thought was possible. Simply send your video submissions by June 4 to with the subject line: #SMSPossibilities. You can also share your story with the hashtags: #SMSPossibilities #SmithMagenisSyndrome #PRISMSInternationalConference

Videos will be featured throughout PRISMS website, social media pages, and at our 2022 International SMS Conference in Dallas, TX (August 4-6th)!

Tips for Your Short Video:

  • Video submissions should be 30 to 60 seconds in length and demonstrate something you might not have thought was possible for your SMS individual
  • Videos can be done on a laptop or smartphone device. Try to record your video in a quiet area, where you can easily be heard, and a well-lit area, where you can be easily seen. When recording the video on a smartphone, record with the device horizontally (ie, landscape mode).
  • Videos are to be submitted to PRISMS via or via PRISMS Facebook Messenger
  • Limit 2 videos submissions of an individual per household

By submitting videos, you grant permission to PRISMS to use the video contents at the conference, on the website, and on social media.  

Have you registered for the PRISMS Conference yet? We have made it easy for you! Just click here to register!